Secrets Of Negotiation To Be Shared With UK Start-Ups

Simon Cowell’s Lawyer Clive Rich To Share Professional Deal-Making Insights

London, 4th March, 2011 – Clive Rich, the leading UK media lawyer and driving force behind successful deals for Simon Cowell, Sony, MySpace and The Royal Opera House has today announced the launch of Secrets Of Negotiation, a new series of seminars aimed at sharing professional negotiating skills with UK start-ups, SMEs and entrepreneurs.

The new events, which start on the evening of March 16th in London, will provide attendees with the ability to recognise the key stages of a deal and the skills to move through them successfully. It will also deliver tips on how to take control of negotiations and share insider knowledge on how to influence the opposition in order to gain the winning edge and close deals successfully.

Clive Rich added; “Sound negotiating skills are critical for all sorts of situations relevant to SMEs, start-up companies and entrepreneurs, including funding agreements, licensing deals, distribution deals and exit plans. But for whatever reason, deal-making is something that is still generally done by instinct rather than learned skills or training. I have launched the Secrets Of Negotiation seminars in order to share the skills I have gained over years of negotiating with some of the world’s toughest opposition in media, entertainment and business.”

Event attendees will also be introduced to the ‘Close My Deal’ iPhone negotiating app which provides interactive tools and content to help start-ups, SMEs and entrepreneurs achieve the best possible deals in the course of real-life situations.

The ‘Secrets Of Negotiation” events are presented in partnership with entrepreneur and leading human behaviour coach James Stokes. The first session will be held on the evening of Wednesday, March 16th in central London. Limited tickets for the inaugural event are currently available with an Early Bird discount.



Note to Editors & Bloggers

A complete set of material is available on the Clive Rich press page: Please direct requests for quotes, interviews and press passes to: Lucinda Arnett

Tel. +44 20 7183 6040


Secrets Of Negotiation Pages:





About Clive Rich

Clive Rich is a professional negotiator, lawyer and mediator who has made deals happen for clients including Simon Cowell, Sony, MySpace and the Royal Opera. Clive holds regular ‘Secrets of Negotiation’ events which provide SMEs and tech start-ups with the skills to successfully negotiate funding, licensing and distribution deals. The Clive Rich ‘Close My Deal’ iPhone app delivers a complete set of interactive negotiating tools, content and tips in a single application and is available from the iTunes App Store. Visit

Clive Rich Social Media Pages




Clive Rich In The Media

Sunday Express – “An App With The X Factor” (Jan.2011)

Jewish Chronicle – “How I Got Simon To Give Me A Yes” (Jan. 2011)

The Sun – “How To Haggle Harder”  (Oct. 2010)